This also allows the ‘Massage’ interaction to be displayed in the menu by default.) ( Allows the My Love buff moodlet to appear when there is any romantic interest between sims. ( Allows a sim in a steady relationship to autonomously flirt with their partner only, which prevents them from flirting with other sims in steady relationships, unmarried sims and married sims.) ( Allows an unmarried sim to autonomously flirt with sims in steady relationships and other unmarried sims but prevents them from flirting with married sims.)

Species: Human > Autonomous Risky = True.Risky > Species: Human > Autonomous Risky = True Note: This option only appears in the menu after the following two options have been set. (Allows teens to autonomously perform risky woohoo interactions.) ( Unlocks only certain non-romance-related interactions for teens, such as ‘Take Romantic Photo With’, ‘Play Juice Pong’ & ‘Harvest Plant Sim’.) ( Forces all sims to make other sims leave the room before they woohoo.)