Shadow of the tomb raider path of the living fi
Shadow of the tomb raider path of the living fi

shadow of the tomb raider path of the living fi

  • Descend with the rope again, then swing to the next ledge.
  • Climb up the ledges to reach the next climbing wall, keeping to the right.
  • Once on the wall, descend using Lara's rope onto the lower platform.
  • Move across the ledge to the right and then onto the climbing wall.
  • Take care to avoid moving parts of the mechanism. Rotating the stones should result in the following, from top to bottom: Gate puzzle From the "Find a way to open the gate" objective
  • Go behind where the ladder was and pull the White Queen onto the newly lit up circle.
  • Raise the ladder by returning to the globe and using the right dial.
  • shadow of the tomb raider path of the living fi

    Align the chess-like pieces so the shields sit in the lit up circles.Turn the dial so the plane's wings are completely unfurled.

    shadow of the tomb raider path of the living fi shadow of the tomb raider path of the living fi

    Climb up the ladder and proceed to the next dial.Turn the left dial so the numbers line up with 90 East.Turn the right dial so the numbers line up with 30 North.White Queen puzzle From the "Find the White Queen" objective When the near end of the bridge rises, it will take the far end with it, and players can then cross.Fire a Rope Arrow at the far end of the bridge to attach it to the near end of the bridge.Here, a path leads down to the water, but be sure to move quickly, as the system will reset itself when Jonah tires. As the pulley system reacts, head below the ledge, essentially following where the piece of bridge lowers - this can be found to the right of the wheel, across the entry to the bridge, and over the wall.Go down to the wheel below Jonah will help Lara push it so water pours into the counterweight.Proceed to the top of the ruins and push the pulley to make the water flow correctly.Jump from ledge onto bell platform, then quickly jump from platform to partial rope ladderīridge puzzle From the first "Find Kuwaq Yaku" objective.Go back up the path a short ways to find a small ledge to the left.Cut rope to let loose the cart, smashing through the debris.Attach the cart to the pulley via Rope Arrow and hoist it as high as it will go.Turn the turntable so that the cart is facing the debris.Pyramid Puzzle From "Get to the top of the pyramid" objective

    Shadow of the tomb raider path of the living fi