If you want NetworkManager support, install networkmanager-openconnect, or try the latest git version. If your Juniper VPN setup does not require any input after connecting you can use this command in order to connect See the initial announcement for more details. The OpenConnect VPN client also supports Pulse Connect Secure, however Host Checker support (required by some Pulse servers) is not yet implemented at the time of this writing (Spring 2022). # sudo /opt/pulsesecure/bin/setup_cef.sh install

If the installation of chromium embedded framework in the GUI client gets stuck, it can be installed using.# ln -s /etc/ca-certificates/extracted/ /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/ # mkdir -p /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl Run the following commands to resolve these issues: By default the directory that the GUI stores the connections does not exist and it cannot find the system certificates to verify hosts.If you disable a separate DNS service to switch back to NetworkManager#DNS management, you may additionally need to remove /etc/nf to have NetworkManager correctly detect that it should manage DNS. Additionally, DNS lookups will not work properly when using a separate Domain name resolution service. The pulse-secure VPN only functions properly when using NetworkManager.