If you are starting out with a 10x10 multiplication table with results 1-100, there winds up with an intimidating number of facts. Tricks for Learning the Multiplication Table Many instructors view some of these facts as superflous given the advent of calculators and cell phones these days, but our continued reliance on measurements that are not strictly based on units of ten (for example, time or angular measurement) makes memorizing both the times 15 multiplication table and times 12 multiplication table useful for many mental calculations. While most multiplication table practice tends to focus on the facts with products from 1-100, you will find the more advanced facts here including the much dreaded times 12 multiplication table. Students can use these to look up answers until they master their multiplication facts. When filled in, they can be then be used as a reference aid, or there are complete multiplication tables that you can print out either for individual sets of facts or for the entire multiplication table. There are blank multiplication table worksheets on this page that allow the students to use skills like skip counting to fill in the answers for each multiplication fact group. Later, seeing the facts as part of a multiplication chart can expose them to number patterns that occur across sets multiplication facts as well. Seeing the multiplication facts arranged sequentially can often help a student see the internal number patterns that make up each fact group. Because multiplication tables present the facts in a structured way, they can help put the entire concept of multiplication into a context that many students grasp more readily than rote memorization.

Multiplication tables can provide a convenient bridge from skip counting (or incremental addition) to mastery of the full set of multiplication facts.

The printable multiplication tables you will find here provide the most basic overview of sets of multiplication facts, either as individual multiplication fact tables or as a simple multiplication table worksheet for building early familiarity with a family of multiplication facts. Numbers are abstract and learning that 6x7 is 42 might as well seem like random gibberish to a student. This process is different from memorizing spelling words where there are often phonetic hints or other clues that at least get you started. It's one of the first activities that requires memorizing a large number of facts.

Learn the multiplication table is one of the milestone skills in primary grade mathematics.